Who We Are
We are straight allies, lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, queer, and questioning
persons, indeed the whole of the alphabet which makes up
God’s diverse creation of humanity.
The Purpose
The purpose of creating a space for dialogue on sexual orientation and gender identity is to provide an opportunity for traditional Biblical perspectives on these issues to be questioned and discussed. Much of society and many faith communities hold positions and policies which stem from scriptural interpretations which beg to be revisited in light of current cultural understanding and scientific research.
The intent of providing an opportunity for dialogue would be to incorporate persons who are educated in various fields which address human sexuality issues allowing them to engage in providing information and to wrestle with the questions which arise.
In providing an opportunity to dialogue it is not the intent to change, control, manipulate, or condemn a person for one’s understanding or perspective, but simply to give space for finding hope in scripture which has been used so often to condemn diverse human sexuality.
“The purpose is to allow a space “to present an interpretation of the Bible with regard to homosexuality and to show how my family passed from a night of prejudice into a day of enlightenment.”